Way to Grammar B2


IWB Software

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This book is accompanied by a FREE SUPPLEMENTARY BOOKLET.

Supplementary Booklet contains:

  • alphabetical lists of verbs / adjectives / nouns with prepositions and prepositional phrases
  • a comprehensive table of derivatives suitable for B2 level
  • Glossary

Sample Pages ›

IWB Software ›

At your request, we will send you a TEST BOOKLET for each student FREE OF CHARGE


About the book(s)

Way to GRAMMAR B2 is a unique, user-friendly grammar book designed to help students consolidate and expand their knowledge of English Grammar and prepare them for all B2 level examinations.

Way to GRAMMAR B2 includes:

  • tables presenting grammar in a clear and simple way
  • a wide range of exercise types providing thorough practice
  • systematic practice in phrasal verbs, verbs / adjectives / nouns with prepositions, prepositional phrases and word formation
  • a review after every three units
  • a useful Common Errors section to consolidate students’ learning

Components for the Teacher:

  • Grammar Book
  • Supplementary Booklet
  • Test Booklet
  • IWB Software

Components for the Student:

  • Grammar Book
  • Supplementary Booklet
  • Test Booklet


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