nocn C2 Preparation & 10 Practice Tests
Dear Associates, We are pleased to inform you that our new publication NOCN C2 Preparation & 10 Practice Tests…
Exam Preparation Books
Dear Associates, The new exam period is upon us, and we must take into account the time required to prepare students for the various examinations they will sit.Therefore, we would like to provide you with a comprehensive list of our Exam Preparation and Practice Test Books.
Season's Greetings
The management and staff of Grivas Publications would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year!
NOCN C2 Preparation & 10 Practice Tests
Dear Associates, We are pleased to inform you that our new publication NOCN C2 Preparation & 10 Practice Tests …
Puzzle Jungle
We would like to inform you that our new title WAY UP1 is now complete with the IWB Software.
MSU CELC B2: Available now
We are pleased to inform you that the student’s book, the teacher’s book and the Audio CDs for our new title MSU CELC B2 are now available. Click here for further information.
New School Year!
Dear Associates, We wish you all the best for the new school year!
Preparation & 12 Practice Tests ESB B2 (New Format 2017) is now available
We are pleased to inform you that the Teacher’s Book, Student’s Book and the Audio CDs for the title Preparation & 12 Practice Tests ESB B2 (New Format 2017) are now available.
WAY UP 1 is now available
It is our pleasure to announce that the student’s books, teacher’s books and Audio CD’s for WAY UP 1, the first book in our new Coursebook Series, are now available.